Mr. Renewable energy himself, Mr Hans-Josef Fell.

Mr.Hans-Josef Fell is a member of the German Parliament and spokesperson on renewable energy and green energy policy for the Party: Bündnis 90/The Green party in German parliament.

On 7th of January 2012 at Hammelburg Germany during his 60th birthday celebration, Mr. Hans –Josef Fell called upon his colleges in the German parliament, including the German President and other well wishers to donate gifts meant for his birthday to Wecass Institute, in other to enable WECASS transfer climate change technology and techniques to Africa. In different times and at different occasions, he has spoken on how climate change affects Africa and called upon world leaders to respond to Africa’s needs in this direction.


Mr.Hans -Josef Fell has achieved a great deal in the field of renewable energy
  • Mr. Hans –Josef Fell is a very important figure in renewable energy issues - not only in the German parliament but also worldwide. Hans -Josef Fell is also a very important contact individual for Wecass and its partners on issues concerning renewable energy.
  • Mr.Hans-Josef Fell,(Bündnis 90/Grüne)and Late Dr.Hermann Scheer (SPD) both members of the German Parliament, were behind the Renewable energy law (EEG) (Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz) that transformed German energy and power sector. Thanks to the EEG, 380,000 new jobs in renewable energy branches have been created in Germany and worldwide attention to German renewable energy technology development has been attracted. Germany is the European leader in renewable energy and thus plays a very important role in the world today. Mr.Hans-Josef Fell'und late Dr. Hermann Scheer campaigning for research funding in the German parliament from 1999 to 2005 resulted in German parliamentary support for research on, among others, photovoltaic energy, solarthermic energy, geothermic energy, electricity generation, bio energy, battery research for electric motors, and Bionics. He was behind the German parliament's funding of education and research from 1998 to 2005.
  • 1994: Solar Prize for European solar energy: EUROSOLAR
  • 2000: Energy Global Award
  • 2000: Solar Prize from the German Solar Energy Association DGS (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie) • 2001: Nuclear-Free Future Award, for the international Anti-Atom movement.
  • 2002: Solar Industry Prize from the German Solar Industries.
  • 2002: The first German Geothermic Prize: "Der Hartsteinbohrer"
  • 2003: German Biogas Prize Medial – Dr Heinz Schulz Gedenkmedaille
  • 2006: Bonda Award from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA)
  • Wecass, the German-African Climate Change Integration Technology Institute Berlin, together with our partners, are grateful to Hans-Josef Fell and late Dr. Hermann Scheer for all thier efforts towards making Africa, Germany and the world safer place.
On his tour to the USA in May 2010, Mr. Hans-Josef Fell released the new document on renewable energy financing entitled:
Corporate Finance and Climate Protection (a Beneficial Alliance)